Kitchen reno part 3

Old kitchen

New kitchen

Before the renovation started


The contractors finished the floor yesterday and the cabinet crew took over today, installing all of the cabinetry. There’s not much left for them to do tomorrow other than putting up the moulding and doing some finishing work. It’s almost beginning to feel like a kitchen again. We’ll get measured for the countertop early next week. After tomorrow, we’ll be at the halfway point in the schedule.

Kitchen cat

His Highness, displaying two of seven shavings from his recent trip to the Veterinary Emergency Clinic, tries to look unimpressed by all the fuss as he lounges on the new floor.

4 Replies to “Kitchen reno part 3”

  1. Thanks Kathy. So far, all we (and by we, I mean Risa) have done is vacuum it once, so I can’t comment much on caring for a cork floor. My guess is that a mop and some elbow grease will be sufficient. We selected the floor colour specifically because it looked like it would hide dirt really well.

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