Supermarket finds: Bi-products

Would you like a delicious bi-product for breakfast?


Can someone tell me which marketing genius at Metro thought it would be a good idea to have a whole section of the supermarket prominently labelled “Bi-Products”? Besides seeming wrong on at least two levels, it manages to be both meaningless and off-putting. “Yogurt” is pretty clear. But “Bi-Products”? I thought maybe I was missing some obvious marketing push, but a Google search for “Bi-products” just brings up a lot of what you’d expect, including a site offering buffalo skulls (green or boiled), jaw bones, or feet, all “bi-products” of buffalo ranching. Oh, and a lot of fluff about business intelligence, too.

In a food world where “by-product” generally means “stuff that we’d normally throw away because it’s disgusting and inedible, but we found a way to grind it up and sell it to you anyway,” why does Metro think that “Bi-Products” is a good label for premium yogourt?

4 Replies to “Supermarket finds: Bi-products”

  1. “Organic” in French is biologique or just bio as a prefix. Perhaps that’s what they meant, but I doubt all that yogurt (I see they are using the perverse “Canadian” spelling) is organic.

    1. The last time I looked at the bi-product section closely, many (but not all) of the yogourts were pre- or pro-biotic. Some (but not all) were organic. Some others were merely “natural.” Whatever the origin or desired meaning of “bi-product,” I’m surprised that it managed to make it all the way through whatever department within Metro is responsible for these things and onto signs in the stores.

      1. And in a completely different Metro last night, the “Bi-products” section is populated with cottage cheese, sour cream, and cream cheese instead of yogourt. I don’t think even Metro knows what it’s supposed to mean.

    2. I agree with you Val , this is just something that I cant quite understand either…. Ummmm Joe Clark , why do you feel the need to point out the spelling difference of the word yogurt.
      The fact that it has changed over the years as have a few other words does not make it perverse , it makes it unique to this wonderful country. Dont be so critical. Also what does a french definition of organic have to do with an english spelling error. Val is correct that Metro messed this one up. Leave your bias anti Canadian comments off of this forum.

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