Sure enough, last week’s request to the superindendent and call to by-law enforcement had no effect: the bike lane in front of 55 Cosburn Ave. was once again turned over to the big plastic bins for garbage day. I called by-law enforcement again this morning and once again got voice mail. I asked for callbacks both times but have yet to get any response. It may be time to ratchet up the pressure.
One option is to do them a favour and move their trash cans yourself. You wouldn’t want their garbage cans to be hurt by a cyclist recklessly crashing into them, would you?
I’ve moved crap out of the bike lane before. Here’s an example from Burlington:
I’ve thought of moving the bins to a more convenient location. Alas, time is usually short on Wednesday mornings.
Email the fixer at the star.
Here comes another Wednesday. What will be done to “ratchet up the pressure”?