[Update, Monday, November 19: The voting period has been extended by two days until Wednesday. I can only assume that Don and Humber are racking up too many votes for Metrolinx to count them all. Also, it can’t bode well for my receiving my fabulous prizes if they’re already deviating from the published contest rules. I suspect my winnings will be whittled down to just half of the originally promised nothing. Or possibly even less. Still, remember that your vote will ensure our combined victory. Original post from November 14 follows.]
I don’t usually deploy this blog’s legions of fans (and by legion, I mean three old guys sitting on stools in the corner) for nefarious purposes, but I’d like to encourage everyone to go to the voting page for the Crosstown LRT’s tunnel boring machines naming contest and vote for the entry that I submitted, Don and Humber. Just one vote per person, and voting ends on Monday at 4:00 p.m.
What was my inspiration for Don and Humber, you ask? Disappointment with the names for the current TBMs tunnelling the Spadina subway extension moved me to action. I suppose that Torkie, Yorkie, Holey, and Moley are good enough names, but nothing about them really screams “Toronto” to me. Okay, “Yorkie” is sort of a shout-out to history and the subway’s destination, but it’s just a bit too cutesy when combined with its mate, Torkie. Holey and Moley are so generic that they might as well be menu items at Tim Horton’s. In contrast, Don and Humber are two rivers that have historically defined Toronto and are each relatively close to the end points of the Crosstown tunnels. See what I did there? A historically important pair of names, relevant to the project at hand, and instantly recognizeable to any Torontonian. What could be better?
Only one of the other semi-finalists, “Dennis and Lea” takes its entry from something local (the Mount Dennis and Leaside neighbourhoods at the ends of the tunnels). That seems obscure enough that no one will get it. Even Google thinks that “Dennis and Lea” is a reference to the failed engagement between Dennis Quaid and Lea Thompson a quarter of a century ago. Seriously, who’s going to vote for that?
And what riches await if my names are chosen? The grand prize consists of “recognition through […] a press release” and has “no monetary value.” The prize is also non-transferrable and, yes, I have to answer a skill-testing question to claim it. And naturally, Metrolinx “reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater monetary value” should they be unable to award these unfathomable riches, so I could just get a big cup of nothing—minus the cup and the press release. Vote early, vote often once, and spread the word if you’re so inclined.
“Dennis” and “Lee” are pretty darn awesome, because, you know, Dennis Lee!
“Sparrows sniffed the air, and hung/Like humming-birds with bubble gum/Doing pushups in the sun/The day we stopped Spadina.”
Though more people on the corridor will get Don and Humber, so for that reason, it will get my vote.
Er, “Dennis” and “Lea”. It’s a rather good play on the name of Toronto’s most famous poet.
Good point, I hadn’t even made that connection. Don and Humber are still way awesomer, though.
Contest is still open as of 10:20 (EST) Thursday November 22. Looks like this contest is sloppier than the last federal election. Anyone receive a robocall (or more likely roboemail) advising that the poll website had moved to a new URL?
Just one more Metrolinx project to overshoot its deadline. Maybe they’re planning to go over budget too, by giving away an actual prize.
Just caught a glimpse of CP24, where the station was covering the start of boring on Eglinton West. Thought I saw DON LEA HUMBER written on one of the boring machines, but wasn’t too sure as it was out of the corner of my eye. The contest page still says “we will announce the winners shortly”. Have you been officially notified, Val?
‘Dennis and Lea’ And ‘Don and Humber’ both won. Should’ve Googled it before I posted above.